Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It’s a normal back to the office kind of day.  Tuesdays are my LONG day.  My daughter usually has piano lessons before school and choir after school.  I teach a 7th grade Catechism class first thing in the morning and a religion class for public school students in the evening.  I am usually in the building from until except for about an hour or two that we scrounge something for dinner! 

One of the prep things on my Tuesday agenda is our Wednesday morning women’s Bible study.  Our topic this week is on “Wisdom” and many of the Bible references come from Proverbs.  When we think of wisdom and advice many of us immediately remember some of the advice that our parents gave us or a familiar saying of a grandparent.  We couldn't leave my grandmother's house without her saying, "Buckle up and push the button."  That meant, "Fasten your seat belt and lock your doors."  That was back before electric locks and you locked your car doors by pushing down the little button on the door near the window!  That was her way of saying, "I love you!"

Proverbs 4.1 states:
1 Hear, O sons, a father’s instruction,
   and be attentive, that you may gain insight,

King Solomon gives good advice to listen to your elders and to learn from their experience.  We especially want to learn from those faithful followers of Christ. 

Proverbs 1.7 tells us:
7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
   fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Those who fear the Lord, who put him first above all things, are the ones with true wisdom.  True wisdom is not the wisdom of the world.  The world sees the wisdom of the cross and Christ crucified as foolishness but to the ones being saved it gives strength and power and life everlasting. 

These words also serve as a reminder to parents who want their children to listen to them.  Trust me, I am feeling very convicted!  Are you grounded in the Word?  Are you reflecting the “fear of the Lord” in your life and in your home? 

I would like to close with the very simple prayer from the Lutheran Study Bible.

Lord, teach us true wisdom and give us its power to love and serve You.  Amen.

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