Friday, October 8, 2010


The Southern Illinois District of the LCMS is holding their fall pastor’s conference at Pere Marquette Lodge in Pere Marquette State Park in Grafton, IL. Besides having wonderful speakers, we have had beautiful fall weather—Crisp mornings with warm sunny days. My husband and I got up early this morning and went up a short hike to a look out point where the IL and MISS rivers meet to see the glow of the sunrise before heading back down for a different kind of mountain-top experience in divine worship. It is so refreshing to see and ponder God’s wonderful creation but it is also refreshing to worship and commune together with other Christians—and especially a room full of professional church workers and spouses. These are the times that we want to say like Peter said at Jesus’ transfiguration in Matt 17, “Lord, it is good for us to be here.” And like Peter, the desire is strong to pitch our tents and stay! But like Peter and James and John, God calls us back down from the mountain to continue His work. The work is never done! There is always someone who still needs to hear about Jesus and His death and resurrection. For Christians, the work is never done!

For the pastors, much of their work involves ways to enable all Christians to experience this time of refreshment. Christians receive that refreshment and encouragement each week when we attend church and Bible Study. We receive the encouragement to return to our daily tasks—wherever and whatever they may be—and to see those tasks as a way to serve our neighbor and to give God glory.

Dear God,
Thanks you for the many opportunities that you provide to refresh and strengthen us in our faith. Give us the desire to always seek those opportunities to commune with you and to worship with fellow believers. Let Your Holy Spirit guide and encourage us as we return to our daily tasks.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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